SolAR Run Case Study

Contact director of TXI, Erin Reilly, for more information about this experience
Gifs of Homepage of SolAR Run Experience
Join Team / Create Team When users sign up, we connect to our database to pull a current list of teams for them to join as well as provide the user the option to create a team if they don’t already have one.
Gifs of join and create team pages of SolAR Run Experience
3.Leaderboard/Invite:User’s leaderboard score is the cumulative total of all of their playthroughs of the game. Players can invite their peers to a maximum of 10 players per team.
Leaderboard page gif
Game design principles were implemented for a number of reasons. First, behavioral change is more likely to occur if the conversation begins with friends and family -- people that the user knows personally. Second, a research objective was to understand our audience’s sun care perceptions over an extended period of time, so implementing a competitive incentive to log back into the experience can ensure recurring engagement. Third, educating our audience about SPF or UV Index can become tedious and mundane,
4, The Game: The mechanics of our game lie in the 2D autorunner genre. Players must dodge environments and keep their character healthy by collecting sunscreen. The difficulty and pace of the game increases as the UV Index in the top left corner increases. The player loses either by making contact with the environment, or if their health bar in the bottom left hits zero due to not collecting enough sunscreen for the given UV Index. The further the player gets, the higher their score for that playthrough.
Gif of the game portion of the SolAR Run experience
Research & Personalization: On loss the user is offered an opportunity to revive. This is a key moment in the experience to gauge our audience’s perception of sun care as well as educate about key sun care practices. Questions remain in context of the environment the user loses in-game, and If they get it wrong they are sent to the results page to understand the prompt further.
Gif of revive survey question on loss in-game
Character items unlock at certain score thresholds. Each item offers a chance to educate, but also has a direct impact on the difficulty and pace of the game once equipped.
gif of clothing equip screen of SolAR Run Game
Repeated plays of the game increases the players’ score, but progressively worsens the effects of an AR filter as the user‘s character is exposed to the sun for longer periods of time. These filters are directly tied to one of six skin types chosen on the sign up screen, each demonstrating the effects of UV exposure in a manner that is personally relevant to the user.  Freckles, hyperpigmented spots, wrinkles, sunburns, and tans are all concepts superimposed onto the user’s face. Each asset can be isolated
Gif of AR FIlter in Action
The research study contained two groups: a control group, who completed the Pre-Survey and Post-Survey after a period of 7 days but not participate in the experience, and an experimental group, who completed the Pre-Survey then participated in the experience for 7 days, followed by a Post-Survey. The study design was used for both Singaporean students and UT students to ensure data could be cross referenced.  Upon completing statistical analysis on the Singaporean research data, those who played the game we