Explorer in Residence

Explorer in Residence

At Texas Immersive, we aim to be a global leader in immersive storytelling, transforming how people experience and interact with the world through innovative and meaningful technological solutions. Our Explorer-in-Residence program invites a prominent figure from the immersive community to engage with the UT campus for several days. 

We will spark lively discussions with students and faculty, enrich classroom experiences, and foster new ideas as we explore Creativity in AI at the 2024 TXI’s Explorer-in-Residence Night.

Our Explorer in Residence will be on campus from October 16-19, 2024 

Join us on Thursday, October 17
7-8 PM Keynote Presentation
8-9 PM Cocktail Hour

300 W Dean Keeton St, Austin, TX 78712
G. B. Dealey Center for New Media (DMC) Second Floor Auditorium 2.106

Secure your spot!

Explorer in Residence 2023

Interview with Chris Duffey, Adobe

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Graphic Art for Explorer in Residence 2023
Graphic art design by Ami Plasse, GonzoViz

For More Information

Contact TXI Program Manager Azalea Laredo at azalea.laredo@austin.utexas.edu